Again, great thanks to our awesome students:

@casals @majordwarf @darshan3 @AndyTechGuy @e-aakash @raj @Soundwave @wabadump @dave2s
But just because the summer is over and the leaves start falling from the trees does not mean that the project will idle now. Quite the contrary, fall seems to be a good season to flee the rainy weather outside and get your hands on some open source code.
- Hacktoberfest is just around the corner, starting October 1st. To get an idea about what might await you have a look at the mega module audit issue (which most likely no mortal human being will be able to finish within one month, but anyways).
Call to action: Please help us tagging and improving issues for them to properly show up on Github. - The next Play Test is scheduled for October 5th, and this will also mark the kick off of our Merge Marathon - getting all the open PRs merged! Chanced are high that we will set out prizes for most helpful contributors, so you might be able to earn yourself an early Christmas present.
- ... and it's that time of the year again: this projects turns another year older, we want to continue the madness with a full Terasology Birthday Week, starting on October 12th. A highlight during the week will be Wednesday, October 16th, when we ware hosting our own small TeraCon, a self-organized meet-up in Munich, Germany, with some of the core contributors (and old friends like @qwc
). Subsequent to the meet-up the official Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit starts and will last until October 20th.
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