Name: Mapgeneration
Summary: Generation of heigthmap and final terrain
Scope: Core Content
Current Goal: Evaluating different methods, deciding on the focus
Phase: Design
Curator: Nym Traveel
Ok, so here's the incubator thread for this huge topic.
I want to mention that the goal of this thread is to generate a nice terrain - biomes and stuff will be discussed in another thread.
As I need to make a big edit on this I may also rewrite the whole thing.
I think our best bet for the game world is a finite map with warparound edges (topological like a donut
I outlined the necessary points in -this- google document, feel free to ask questions.
It's currently in read-only, if you want to change sth, just send me a pn.
Also up on google docs is -this-, a little sheets with some calculations regarding the size of the map in various aspects.
near future todolist:
- getting an prototype for the temperature simulation ready
- making a uml (or simmilar) diagramm describing the whole process. (tedious for me as the lecture on software engineering wasn't my favorite one
Old post:
Edit: -Here- is a nice project: someone converted WoW into MC, whopping 24 gig
I think this is a good reference - the highest peak is 1 km above sea. Heigth limit workaround for minecraft was needed 
Summary: Generation of heigthmap and final terrain
Scope: Core Content
Current Goal: Evaluating different methods, deciding on the focus
Phase: Design
Curator: Nym Traveel
Ok, so here's the incubator thread for this huge topic.
I want to mention that the goal of this thread is to generate a nice terrain - biomes and stuff will be discussed in another thread.
As I need to make a big edit on this I may also rewrite the whole thing.
I think our best bet for the game world is a finite map with warparound edges (topological like a donut
I outlined the necessary points in -this- google document, feel free to ask questions.
It's currently in read-only, if you want to change sth, just send me a pn.
Also up on google docs is -this-, a little sheets with some calculations regarding the size of the map in various aspects.
near future todolist:
- getting an prototype for the temperature simulation ready
- making a uml (or simmilar) diagramm describing the whole process. (tedious for me as the lecture on software engineering wasn't my favorite one
Old post:
As of now a finite terrain is in my opinion the best to handle.
My current plan for the generation is as follows:
1, A huge heigthmap representing the whole map is generated
Ok, thats the current plan.
- Get in contact with the guy who made the plate tectonic thing - talk with him about licensing
- convert the programm to java
- follow the other steps on the plan I posted
I hope to find some time this afternoon to write down these steps for better discussion and clearness.
I made a Google Document summarizing some of the above. Feel free to play around and leave a suggestion.
My current plan for the generation is as follows:
1, A huge heigthmap representing the whole map is generated
Possible methodes: Plate Tectonics, Polygone, etc.
Problem: Size. Imagine a map with edgelength 128 km and one pixel per meter... Therefore we take a rasterisation of 16 (may change) blocks and interpolate between them. Heigthvalues will be saved as 2 byte which could handle 65 km heigth difference(or maybe 14 bits what would be 16 km heigth difference, would require a new datatype)
2, The actual map is generated using perlin noise added to the heigthmapOk, thats the current plan.
- Get in contact with the guy who made the plate tectonic thing - talk with him about licensing
- convert the programm to java
- follow the other steps on the plan I posted
I hope to find some time this afternoon to write down these steps for better discussion and clearness.
I made a Google Document summarizing some of the above. Feel free to play around and leave a suggestion.
Edit: -Here- is a nice project: someone converted WoW into MC, whopping 24 gig