So, i looked into the Redqueen.blend and here are some major things that are really important to do :
First, i would strongly recommend to name ALL you can name and should be named. I did that for you, hovewer, it is still improvent needed. Its is a good thing to talk with programmers what would suit best to name all kind of things, they often
have the better ideas of naming things.
Second, never ever touch the root bone ! Do all you can do to prevent the root bone from beeing animated- the root bone always stays at x=0 y=0 and z=0, and no translation, rotation or scalation. I also would recomend not to have two armature trees outgoing from the root bone itself - you can branch other bones into separate branches, but not the rootbone.
This is the most issue with nearly every engine, and even if it works to offset the rootbone, don´t do it. Programmers need a starting point to calculate from, the root bone is exactly this. If the root bone is animated, this can cause trouble and issues or looooooong production for the programmer to find out how to get around the offsetting.
Third, use helper objects to offset - use the root bone or even better another bone after the root bone with a constraint for location. This way, you can use this to animate walking and if the walking animation is finished it can be erased with no pain - and also resets any offset.
Sorry for my bad english, its kinda rusty over the years i have to learn it anew.
>here is the file, i don´t know if it would work now and i haven´t exported it yet
Many greets,