IRC discussion:
[14] <Cervator> one thing - and i may be wrong here (ironchefpython or immortius might be able to provide confirmation) - the use of prefab for individual potions (or books) might be too detailed
[14] <Cervator> they're more for the level of book.prefab, potion.prefab, chest.prefab, etc
[14] <Cervator> then some sort of item definition (like block definition files) would exist and be easily extensible via mods - and you'd put the details there (which effect, book content, etc)
[14] <Cervator> but then admittedly you could perhaps argue that you could have a container.prefab that could in turn provide the difference between chests and bookcases in data, hmm
[14] <Cervator> so i'm not totally certain on where the line is there
[14] <overdhose> currently looking at prefabs myself atm
[14] <Cervator> as for MetabolismSystem - great, would be awesome to have potions and that system would definitely be needed for stuff

[14] <overdhose> ingenious lil system
[14] <ironchefpython_> Assuming books all have similar behavior, there should be a single prefab for them
[14] <Cervator> yeah, although as visible here we're getting a little fuzzy on the edges between the different concepts, especially if you drag in the mod system

[14] <Cervator> prefab, definition file, component, prototype, model....
[14] <overdhose> I managed to create a new gelcube with different AI in a short time
[14] <Cervator> cool
[14] <ironchefpython_> If books had different components (and thus different information and behavior associated with them) that would justify multiple prefabs.
[14] <overdhose> so from my pov, using that system for potions would make it easy for mods
[14] <Cervator> right, so i guess the issue is - for potions, is each effect its own component? just varying in strength? in that case you *might* well have one prefab for "health potion" and one for "speed potion"
[14] <Cervator> tho perhaps the health potion prefab could include everything that directly affects health at one point in time, like a harmful potion
[14] <Cervator> so i think there's room for interpretation here
[14] <overdhose> hmmmm
[14] <Cervator> you could also picture some reuseability if there's one component for a health change (we have something similar for that already, don't we, ironchefpython?) and it just gets attached together with a potioncomponent (pointing at function)
[14] <Cervator> then you could attach a speed component as well, for a mixed health/speed potion
[14] <bi0hax> currently
[14] <overdhose> shouldn't a potion just have like a "Drink" component ? And then assign the effect through the prefab ?
[14] <bi0hax> I made a health potion
[14] <Cervator> and possible switch potion to spell
[14] <bi0hax> and DrinkPotionAction (event hanlder)
[14] <ironchefpython_> It could be a single component for "status effects", or a component per status effect.
[14] <bi0hax> Its on my git commits
[14] <bi0hax> and DrinkPotionAction handles what potion.type the entity used is
[14] <ironchefpython_> Right now however, for players and creatures, there is just a "HealthComponent", and no place to store status effects that aren't health realated.
[14] <bi0hax> so if the prefab says it is a potion.type = Red it goes to the Red case of the switch
[14] <ironchefpython_> I could expand the HealthComponent system to include things like strength and speed.
[14] <ironchefpython_> Or we could add additional components.
[14] <bi0hax> I prefer additional components
[14] <bi0hax> I would like to see a stamina component
[14] <ironchefpython_> Will you ever have a player that has health, but does not have speed or stamina or strength?
[14] <overdhose> qustion : what's the diff between biohax/ immmortius... one fork is listed under the other.
[14] <bi0hax> or a hunger component, that way I could tinker a poison component
[14] <bi0hax> In my branch you have my shit
[14] <bi0hax> like books, bookcases that store books, redpotion
[14] <bi0hax> and a sickle
[14] <bi0hax> also it has the new item pack (icons)
[14] <bi0hax> and they are all defined in the model/
[14] <bi0hax> I thought in MetaboliteComponent & MetabolizeAction
[14] <bi0hax> because there other stuff that aint potions could be added
[14] <bi0hax> all Action that has to do with absorbing a metabolite (effect)
[14] <bi0hax> so there could be a redpotion and a goldencookie
[14] <bi0hax> that both recall the metabolite.type.Heal
[14] <Cervator> back, sorta, work still happening, boo
[14] <Cervator> oh, so current HealthComponent is for stuff that has health - which is currently always the player, but could it in theory also be the health content of a healing potion? or would they not overlap perfectly?
[14] <bi0hax> I got it to work
[14] <Cervator> bi0hax forked originally from immortius' repo, that's why it looks like that, most our repos were forked directly from MovingBlocks/Terasology, so github will say that
[14] <bi0hax> because you define what healthcomponent actually you are using
[14] <bi0hax> you update the users healthcomponent
[14] <overdhose> ach k thx trying to understand the whole Git setup

[14] <Cervator> i think something like metabolite.type.Heal and switches would be fragile and somewhat counter-ES, as well as trickier to extend via mods
[14] <Cervator> i figure all sorts of things could hold health, be they players, monsters, potions, food, or even spells
[14] <bi0hax> the switch idea was immortius
[14] <bi0hax> I asked if there was a nicer way
[14] <bi0hax> instead of IF, IF, IF
[14] <Cervator> that makes me think HealthComponent should be able to hold health in all those situations, and a FoodSystem, PotionSystem, etc, would be able to transfer points from a component attached to something relevant to the player or what not
[14] <Cervator> ahh
[14] <Cervator> yeah, switch > if
[14] <Cervator> but maybe components > switch
[14] <bi0hax> have a look at the code it looks quite nice for adding new feature
[14] <bi0hax> but I hope to implement the Metabolite & Metabolize
[14] <Cervator> i'd love to, i really need to do work tho, prep for a meeting in 30 mins

[14] <bi0hax> I think it will be better for recalling various effects
[14] <Cervator> i do think there's something there, yeah
[14] <Cervator> my thinking is encouraging reuse between systems, it would make sense for food and potions to metabolize effects similarly, but spells could also do a similar effect, yet unrelated to metabolism ?
[14] <ironchefpython_> Cervator: The current HealthComponent is for things that can be damaged and destroyed, by being attacked or by falling.
[14] <ironchefpython_> A healthcomponent on a potion would me that it could be broken, not that it would apply health to the user.
[14] <Cervator> yup, but would that be a valid re-use scenario? or is there specific stuff in the component for attacking/falling?
[14] <bi0hax> yeah, in my case I use it to call upon the users health
[14] <Cervator> and yeah, true
[14] <ironchefpython_> I would create a statuseffect component or something similar... for things that effect an entity's status
[14] <bi0hax> and fatigued status could be added there
[14] <ironchefpython_> and a potion component, that has an event listener for a "drink" event, that applies the effect of the statuseffect component.
[14] <ironchefpython_> yes, fatigued would be part of the statuseffect component
[14] <bi0hax> statuseffect could be even called when a prop is low, like stamina = low then statuseffect : fatigued is called
[14] <Cervator> statuseffect sounds to me more like an over-time thing, but i do see the trick about being able to break a potion if it has health itself
[14] <bi0hax> but the thing is
[14] <bi0hax> no collisions are yet determined
[14] <ironchefpython_> but keeping the status effect separate from the potion component, you can add the status effect component to rings, armor, wands, locations, etc.
[14] <bi0hax> thats why (I think) tools dont break even if you said they did
[14] <bi0hax> or you cant hit gelcubes even if you added a healthcomponent
[14] == RoyAwesome [] has joined #terasology
[14] <Cervator> yeah okay, that sounds like what i was trying to think up, potion and status separate
[14] == vbgunz [] has joined #terasology
[14] <Cervator> so would a status component have multiple possible "contents" that would be acted on? or is that waste / poor encapsulation if you're leaving some variables unused?
[14] <ironchefpython_> But there should be a StatusEffect (or is that StatusAffect ?)

... as well as a StatusEffectableComponent. The StatusEffect component would be added to potions and rings and wands and stuff, and the StatusEffectableComponent would be added to players and npcs
[14] <Cervator> interesting angle, yeah
[14] <ironchefpython_> Cervator: in the current implementation you cannot have multiple instances of a component associated with a single entity, so either you group all that data (fatigued/slowed/sleepy/horny) into a single Component and have most statuses go unused most of the time, or you create a different component for each status effect.
[14] <Cervator_> yeah - and wouldn't different components make it more extensible?
[14] <Cervator_> i posted the initial irc log in the thread:
[14] <ironchefpython_> perhaps, but it might be more bloated.
[14] <glasz> hello
[14] <Cervator_> might have to force myself to not pay attention to this window for a while so i can work -_-
[14] <ironchefpython_> you can augment new status effects either by adding more components, or adding them to the status effect component