Minecraft/cuby styled models


Active Member
Now that I finally got player model for Exblocksion gamemode ready, I thought it would be nice to share it and receive some feedback. It is modification of orginal model avaible here:link

Model has uses uv map to take texture from file and has bones for making animating more fun.

I will post link to blender files soon and textures. Texture is modification of minecraft texture so people can reuse their old textures easily. Though some editing to existing minecraft model is needed.

Whitout longer speak here is rendition of model:


and model(licenced under CC-by-sa and edited from orginal by GerladoCockerhan) :



and where is tutorial or insructions howto import this to Terasology?
(yes I am lazy after working lot whit this model and other prototypes before it)


Active Member
Can you make it

* walk in a straight line?
* turn around an arbitrary angle?


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead


Active Member
walking straight line is easy and was my first plans to make movements for. About turning is another story as I havent played too much whit models whit terasology. So I need to first learn how they work in tera. But model definedly suports much more complicated things than those. It should have enough joints to do anything that you can see done in minecraft styled animations.(prety much anything).

And thanks Cervator . I look at those when I have time and internet as it is bad here university in midle of Argentina. Where I am atm.


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
You should be able to add animations right in Blender, you set those up before ever exporting the files for Terasology :)

Or play existing ones if the model already has them


Active Member
I think, usually, turning is not handled through model animation, you just pivote the model through game code while playing a regular walk loop.
As for exporting, you need to install the md5 exporter in blender. A few thing need to be taken care of in blender before export, on top of my head :
  • mesh must be triangulated : in edit mode: select all faces, then mesh->faces->triangulate faces.
  • scale, location, rotation must be applied : in object mode :eek:bject->apply-><whatever>
  • skeleton must have a root bone, parent to all others bones, than allways stays at coords 0,0,0 during animations, is not translated, rotated or scaled. It's the bone that will be use in code to manipulate the whole model.
  • remove all vertex groups wich are not used by a bone (if any)
  • skeleton must be in object mode for export
With that you'll have md5 .md5mesh and .md5anim files. How to import them in terasology is another issue, Immortius or synopia might answer that better than me.

Mike Kienenberger

Active Member
You put them in the assets directory.

assets/animations is where you put .md5anim files.

assets/skeletalMesh is where you put .md5mesh files.

This is all from looking at what other people have done, and not from actual experience.

assets/prefabs is where you'll need some minimal prefab file to tie it all together. Here's a minimal example based on the L&S redQueen, which may be out of date in some aspects.
"persisted" : true,
"location" : {},
"skeletalmesh" : {
"mesh" : "lightAndShadow:redQueen",
"material" : "lightAndShadow:redQueen",
"animation" : "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"loop" : true
"Animation" : {
"walkAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenWalk",
"idleAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"attackAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"dieAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenWalk",
"fadeInAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"fadeOutAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"workAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"terraformAnim" = "lightAndShadow:redQueenStill",
"randomAnim" : ["lightAndShadow:redQueenStill"]
You'd also have to provide the materials/textures.
Your Terasology .mat prefab file goes into assets/materials/

For redQueen, there is also assets/textures/redQueen.png, and I'm not entirely certain how textures are tied in to the model. I think it's the "diffuse" parameter in the Materials file, but that's pure speculation on my part.

If you make the model available somewhere, I'd be willing to see if I could get it working, assuming someone else more knowledgeable doesn't give you a better offer.


Active Member
I got MD5 exporte from here. And thanks for all for links. is there example how material file works?
Now I will have lot of experementation whit this model and system to get it work. Thanks again :)