Now that I finally got player model for Exblocksion gamemode ready, I thought it would be nice to share it and receive some feedback. It is modification of orginal model avaible here:link
Model has uses uv map to take texture from file and has bones for making animating more fun.
I will post link to blender files soon and textures. Texture is modification of minecraft texture so people can reuse their old textures easily. Though some editing to existing minecraft model is needed.
Whitout longer speak here is rendition of model:
and model(licenced under CC-by-sa and edited from orginal by GerladoCockerhan) :
and where is tutorial or insructions howto import this to Terasology?
(yes I am lazy after working lot whit this model and other prototypes before it)
Model has uses uv map to take texture from file and has bones for making animating more fun.
I will post link to blender files soon and textures. Texture is modification of minecraft texture so people can reuse their old textures easily. Though some editing to existing minecraft model is needed.
Whitout longer speak here is rendition of model:
and model(licenced under CC-by-sa and edited from orginal by GerladoCockerhan) :
and where is tutorial or insructions howto import this to Terasology?
(yes I am lazy after working lot whit this model and other prototypes before it)