no worries, we'll shuffle some things around once we move to another blog anyway I guess and give it all a bit more structure. Given the current layout it's best not to clutter things, so keeping it together makes sense for now. Ain't gonna blame you for showing interest in some bad coding heh.
On another note, I don't know if anyone can provide me with an answer on this, but I'm trying to figure out block positioning in the world and how to position entities at the middle of them every time. I'm guessing that currently, unless I'm wrong, a block's position is determined by it's corner, as in a vector actually points at a corner of a block, and not it's center. From a pure path finding perspective, I was wondering if it wouldn't make more sense to have the positioning point to the center of a block, and if this would impact other things in the world like building etc.
From a performance viewpoint, I think it would make more sense, as you wouldn't create an overhead (I think at least, so correct me if I'm wrong) trying to determine from which side an entity approaches a block and position it in the middle of it. Actually, the position of the entity itself in the world, is it determined by it's virtual middle point?
I might sound lazy asking things like this, but it's still pretty hard for me to determine things like this just from looking at the code. Just trying to get my bearings here to know what direction I need to look in to solve some issues I'm trying to get solved. Hints and tips as always welcome and much appreciated.