- Name: Perdemot
- Nicks: Perdemot
- From: Germany
- Skills / Tools: Basically I'm programming since 5 years and have experience in Java, Delphi, C# . I'll start to study Computer Science in fall. Additionally I know my way around Photoshop since I'm now working with it for about 4 years. I'm good in designing Interfaces and Layouts.
- Found via: A friend (who watches Gronkh)
- Interests: I played Minecraft for a while and never where to happy about it. I stared modding for bukkit, but I couldn't motivate my self after a time since it wasn't how i wanted it to be. The I started my own singleplayer modification and I gave Minecraft a Crisis look and Interface. I would love to help here with the Interfaces and how the Ingamegui looks like and maybe some more artistic things.
- Extra: Looking forward to have a great time here.