And in which style i should design the Creatures?
First, you might want to hold off on creating stuff for bit, as there is the danger that it won't be used. Second, if you really feel that that doesn't bother you, here is my answer.
We currently have no written guidelines for what sort of style creatures should be made in, though I am thinking about soon making a "design guide" for modelling creatures and such. With that said, if you want something to have the possibility of getting into the
official release (as far as visual style goes), these are the guidelines you should follow.
These guidelines probably won't please everyone. Unfortunately, that is impossible, and I have to do what will make the base game look good, attract people, and just be generally cohesive. Remember, there is going to be mod support.
General guidelines:
Modelling: Key guideline,
keep it blocky. That
does mean
mostly using cuboid shapes with right angles. It
does not mean limiting yourself to crazy small amounts of faces, eg. Minecraft characters are made from ~6-12 cubish shapes. You are welcome to use more shapes and faces than that. It also
does not mean no sloping faces. If they are used well, by all means, use a few.
Texturing: Key guideline,
keep it pixelated. That
does not mean having to use textures as small as Minecraft, which uses, for example, a 64x32 pixel image to texture the players character. You can easily use a much larger texture and still have it look pixelated.
More specific things relating to this poll:
Blockiness: Covered
Limbs: Not quite sure yet. This could very well be something that could very a lot. As for now, I would lean towards "connected" (which really means,
suggests being connected. aka. A leg touches a body instead of floating way off in space), to being just slightly floaty. I wouldn't go way floaty. If you know what I mean.

Culture: Honestly, we're not even close to have whole separate cultures. When we do get there, I think they could diverge quite a bit in certain aspects, thought probably not in really basic things such as modelling approach.
Detail: Sort of covered. If it stays blocky and generally follows the Modelling guidelines, then a character could be fairly detailed and "high-poly".
Texturing: Pretty much covered. As far as color palette goes, I don't have any advice on that yet.
Perdemot I covered what should be pretty vital, though the poll could still help.
Darkhog I'm not really sure what to say. Maybe you're answer is above?
Well, that is my "short, quick" answer.

I'll try to answer most art related questions fairly quickly, so if you have any more questions, just ask.