Can anyone translate "soaling" into german? I find no translation 
I meant water seeping away which would get a huge amount of realism. Imagine a complet flat grassland and i empty a bucket of water:
- Minecraft variant: waterblock stays and spreads to a diameter of 8 blocks
- finite liquids: waterblock just spreads out and stays around
-my version: liquid spreads and gets less, finally is completely in the ground
Implementation really would be easy:
on every updatecyclus give watervalue to adjascent blocks and all is fine. Maybe a threshold to terminate little amounts of water to save computing power but thats basically it.
Water creator and consumer: problem is again: what if one of them is in an unloaded chunk? Thats imho the downside on all mentioned versions...
Pumps and Pipes and all that stuff can be added later, the waterphysics has to be solved primarily
so long,
Ps: double e in Traveel
im no traveller
I meant water seeping away which would get a huge amount of realism. Imagine a complet flat grassland and i empty a bucket of water:
- Minecraft variant: waterblock stays and spreads to a diameter of 8 blocks
- finite liquids: waterblock just spreads out and stays around
-my version: liquid spreads and gets less, finally is completely in the ground
Implementation really would be easy:
on every updatecyclus give watervalue to adjascent blocks and all is fine. Maybe a threshold to terminate little amounts of water to save computing power but thats basically it.
Water creator and consumer: problem is again: what if one of them is in an unloaded chunk? Thats imho the downside on all mentioned versions...
Pumps and Pipes and all that stuff can be added later, the waterphysics has to be solved primarily
so long,
Ps: double e in Traveel