Archived Player character as block style


New Member
Probably someone thought and been spoken already but i coulnt find the spesific topic in thr forum by searching. (Sorry if it exist)

- Player character should be block instead of this one.
- Its body parts should be seperated like leg block, head, foot block etc

In that way we can animate the caracter and then we can try to develop costume or armor systems.

Its a block game so we should keep everyting as square i think. Square mobs, square furniture, square character, square train etc.. ( for exp there is rails mods locomotive which is not square :p )


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Yep we've talked about the topic from time to time. There is an old inactive Anatomy suggestion and pretty sure there's a thread on models with detachable parts somewhere

It is a great idea and I know we want to do it. We just need somebody to run with it and do a design / write some code :)

Blocky vs. not is a style choice. More up to who is willing to do the work. I'm fine with either, although blocky seems easier.


New Member
Auch sorry i have tried all posible chances while searching but anatomy ? omg its not se easy ot guess :D

This game has a lot of potential. I have tried all minecraft alternatives ( all about 60 of them and no i didnt play minecraft at all as opensource fan :) )
There are 2 games i follow at that genre but i would like to say that pretty close this is going to be the best one.Just other developers and volunteers who knows java should discover it.


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Thank you!

Curiously, if you've tried a ton of the other alternatives, want to post some observations and notes over at ? I've tried to keep an eye out for interesting voxel games, both from inspiration and to sort of stay on top of what's out there. It really does seem like Terasology & Minetest are the only fairly big and mature alternatives that are also fully open source. Know of any others?

There are a ton of cool little for-profit games, but they start blending together, looking alike. I've seen a bunch lately that look just like CubeWorld, for instance. Like Voxelnauts, which just started a Kickstarter a day or two ago.


New Member
I have installed all free and opensource alternatives ( ı pretty sure all published ones :D ) but i just watched vidoes other paid ones which i consider as tried ( at least investigated).
And yes Minetest is also growing but its api is not as powerful as terasology.
I will write games i discovered the page u linked in my spare times.