Recent content by Christopher Jose

  1. C

    First 24/7 server launch ever ! pre alpha server !

    I will start work on it again this week :)
  2. C

    Resolved terasology server crash issue with log file.

    This is the log for all devs to download, this relates to a headless server. The crash appears to be caused with cutting trees. The steps i took leading to the crash as follows 1: Follow the steps used to get resources in the journal to make an axe. 2: craft an axe following the journal...
  3. C

    First 24/7 server launch ever ! pre alpha server !

    Today I am happy to announce the launch of the first 24/7 server ! You can connect to it using the following IP : with the default port. You will need the latest dev build if you wish to connect to the server Download the latest build...
  4. C

    thinking about making a 24/7 server

    Hello i have up till now ran a mintest server but with all the issues i am now seeking a new game to run on. Look around i found this interesting looking game. Sadly the forums look inactive there by i assume the game has little players. I would like to know the following 1: mods does this...