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  1. Immortius

    Tweaking NUI

    Hi Mike, That is exactly right. NUI (New UI) is a complete replacement for Terasology's UI framework that is designed to be both mod friendly and (hopefully) easier to use than the existing UI framework. Part of NUI is in the 'develop' branch right now, but currently disabled. The rest of it...
  2. Immortius

    Tweaking NUI

    Things have been a bit slow going - it has been too hot to have my computer on. I have put together a new layout that allows defining the layout of contents relative to either each other or the overall canvas: "type" : "relativeLayout", "contents" : [ { "type" ...
  3. Immortius

    Implementation Cities

    In theory fences and such should automatically connect up as "placed", but don't know if that works at the moment through generation. If I or someone else ever get around to improving this to happen during chunk tessellation where possible then it certainly would be the case. Otherwise... yes...
  4. Immortius

    Tweaking NUI

    Implemented the bare bones of support for loading layouts from file. For instance, the main menu looks like: { "type" : "engine:mainMenuScreen", "skin" : "engine:mainMenu", "contents" : { "type" : "arbitraryLayout", "contents" : [ {...
  5. Immortius

    Implementation Cities

    For simple colors, just put a 16x16 or whatever texture of that color into a blockTiles/auto folder and you will get a simple block of the same name. Also feel free to make use of the various shapes we have like slopes - mostly just need to create a block uri with the correct shape uri at the...
  6. Immortius

    Archived Unlimited cubes?

    We used to have an UI for it, but it got dropped due to some issues it was causing. We'll likely add a new UI after some rework of the UI framework.
  7. Immortius

    ES question(s)

    Yes, this would be safe. I consider an iterable to be all that is typically required. It leaves it open whether the implementation will gather everything into a collection, or provide some sort of streaming, which leaves room for future work on thread safety or other features. The consumer...
  8. Immortius

    ES question(s)

    The first entity is the "block type" entity. There is one of these for each type of block, and it is primarily used by the bulk "block loaded/unloaded" events when chunks are loaded/unloaded. Perhaps ultimately these will become prefabs. These do not represent blocks in the world, and there...
  9. Immortius

    Modules, systems, and content

    Firstly - all gameplay can be done through systems. For a deathmatch game type, you would have a system or systems that assign teams to joining players, award ppints on kills and check victory conditions. So there is nothing special needed for that. A gametype itself then does three things: *...
  10. Immortius

    Implementation Behavior Trees

    Injectable layouts hadn't occurred to me, and while I can see the attraction (seperating the concerns of what elements are present and how they are positioned) my experience with them is that you generally need to tie some layout specific information to each element anyway. So you end up with...
  11. Immortius

    Implementation Behavior Trees

    Look, I know everyone is really eager for NUI now that I've started on it, but when I ask for a little time to work on it can you please hold back, or at least talk to me about your intentions? I haven't even really started on layouts yet, and there is still a lot I'm playing around with in NUI...
  12. Immortius

    Tweaking NUI

    Either post in this thread or start a direct conversation in this forum (click on my name and the 'Start Conversation'). And you are correct, should be AND not OR.
  13. Immortius

    Tweaking NUI

    At the moment it is very much in the stage of nutting out the general API and behavior, so it is probably tricky to collaborate right now. When things have firmed up a little, it would be good if you have a go at recreating the preview screen with NUI, including adding any UI elements you need...
  14. Immortius

    Implementation Tasks

    I fixed a similar but distinct issue with console commands defined in modules not working, will look at this issue tomorrow.
  15. Immortius

    Implementation Tasks

    It may be related to the module sandboxing, particularly the use of javassist to alter classes loaded from modules to remove the private flag from constructors of Components and Events. Will need to investigate.
  16. Immortius

    Resolved Where is the world info stored?

    You could try the Terasology Launcher ( ), which I believe allows you to configure the home dir.
  17. Immortius

    Resolved Where is the world info stored?

    Under Mac OSX, the home path is "<your user home>/Library/Application Support/Terasology" You can set the homepath to wherever you want with the commandline option -homedir=<location>, so perhaps you could set it to a location shared by both machines, or a dropbox location. But you will run...
  18. Immortius

    Terasology Code Style Conventions

    The Sun Standard and Maven standard directory layout should still be the initial goto for Terasology's style.
  19. Immortius

    Implementation Cities

    I know one of our generators (not sure which) has different biomes (desert, hills, plains, etc). The big thing is we need to change is the way world generation works to be friendly for extension. What I would envision is broadly splitting into two halves: The first provides an abstract...
  20. Immortius

    Question Oculus Issues

    I suspect tera-ovr64.dll uses an oculus rift dll, so the issue may be that you need to put that dll in natives/windows as well, or the oculus rift dll may have broken compatibility? The invalid access to memory location error indicates an issue within the dll at any rate.