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  1. Michael

    Matrix Stack

    Sure, I'll look into this more.
  2. Michael

    Matrix Stack

    OpenGL Matrix stack has depreciated since OpenGL 3 and most 3d engine will tend to distance themselves from the fixed function pipeline. Most projects that i'm aware of roll out their own math library rather then use Opengl's Matrix stack. Some matrix operations are made quite a bit more...
  3. Michael

    Design Raytracing Renderer

    found the video.
  4. Michael

    Matrix Stack

    I noticed that the engine at the moment uses the glpush and glpop for matricies. I think it would be better to implement and maintain a matrix stack with a collection. Opengl's stack system is pretty inflexible and I think this would be a nice addition.
  5. Michael

    Archived [Pseudocode]PhysicsBlockHardeningSystem

    I'm pretty sure that bullet has a rest state for physics objects. I'm not sure how this would optimize game objects unless I'm missing something.
  6. Michael

    Design Raytracing Renderer

    This could be a feature down the line I suppose, but yes I would probably help. At the moment I think updating the rendering pipeline might be more important.
  7. Michael

    Design Raytracing Renderer

    Natural Selection 2 used this really interesting bounce lighting approach. I don't think it would be too bad to implement a similar algorithm for Terasology. There was a really nice video that demonstrated this, but i don't believe it's on Youtube anymore...
  8. Michael

    Contributor Hello from GSOC

    yep, I've managed to get the game to run and I've looked a bit through the code. Looks really clean and solid.
  9. Michael

    Contributor Hello from GSOC

    Name: Michael Pollind Social: Github: LinkedIn: Skills/tools: I'm a second year student at Chapman University. I'm a pretty Linux heavy person with a fairly good background in terms of Git, C++, java, and C. My Github is...