I've been keeping up with some of the Leap Motion community activity and saw a need for a pure Java Leap library. One fellow has one that's almost purely Java but has a few bits of Processing in there and it is in the GPL (incompatible with our license). He's up for us making a pure Java one in LGPL together so we for instance can use it in Terasology, based on some of his work and other stuff 
Figured this might be both a good way to both get some progress on the Leap as well as maybe get some attention for Terasology through our implementation. I'm also in contact with our Leap rep about it. To make it really shiny I'd like to see if we could put together a nice looking logo for it! Could be as simple as stylized text or include some sort of logo. The LeapJS library has a nice example.
I thought "Jitter" might be a fitting name, starts with a 'j', is something you might do if you drink too much Java, and is itself a miniscule and oft-repeated motion
Other fellow suggested "Jeap" (simply "Leap" with a 'J') which could also work. Dunno if either has better potential for a logo?
Anyway, if somebody wants to give it a shot, or vote for the better name, feel free!
Figured this might be both a good way to both get some progress on the Leap as well as maybe get some attention for Terasology through our implementation. I'm also in contact with our Leap rep about it. To make it really shiny I'd like to see if we could put together a nice looking logo for it! Could be as simple as stylized text or include some sort of logo. The LeapJS library has a nice example.
I thought "Jitter" might be a fitting name, starts with a 'j', is something you might do if you drink too much Java, and is itself a miniscule and oft-repeated motion
Other fellow suggested "Jeap" (simply "Leap" with a 'J') which could also work. Dunno if either has better potential for a logo?
Anyway, if somebody wants to give it a shot, or vote for the better name, feel free!