Okay, looked at this some more and I'll rattle some cages for more feedback
The sample images of generated worlds look absolutely sweet and far more realistic than anything I've seen before. I'd love to see something like that for the finite/planet mode world gen. I do think we can support multiple options including infinite there by abstracting it right. I also think we might want to get some more design in place there so we're working on the right stuff
I did a write-up in a related thread (or earlier in this thread, I forget) about world-regional-local features. I've sort of been thinking of these efforts focused on adding a "world" map to the generator system along with maybe some regional flair that we could then base local generation on simply by having the world map provide the seed/temp/humidity stuff, but I probably haven't gotten my understanding of that down right.
Somebody might have to correct/augment me here, but currently we're basing everything on the Perlin noise seed value turning into humidity/temp, biomes based on that, and blocks based on more seed values, right? As long as I'm close to however it works then that's fine. I'm sure I'll get a bunch of stuff wrong, bear with me please
What I'd like to see is an option to pre-generate a finite world map like that (or a segment of infinite world map) and use that to supply values to lower level stuff like regional and even local elements. With a finite world we might also be able to take advantage of latitude, climate bands, height (imagine a mountain rising to a couple km above sea level over a few km horizontally), etc, but I suspect we can pass the same from an infinite generator and just replace some with randomly decided / noise seed.
You could have a plate tectonic world map gen only available for finite worlds while perlin world map gen would work for both. You could also have a Ringworld generator at this level, for instance. Biome would be determined at the world map stage and later used for other stuff including local blocks (so existing chunk generators could continue to work unmodified, maybe augmented with average height). Cities etc would not generate at the initial world map stage (although it would be presented to the player as regional features applied on top of the world map during a world generation "movie").
Finite worlds could generate that whole world map in one go, a pure noise option could likewise generate an initial world map, even if it couldn't take advantage of stuff like latitude. It wouldn't be as pretty but it could supply the same data.
At the regional stage you're basing decisions off the world map data but whether you're looking 100km in any direction to see if two cities should be linked via trade route in a finite or infinite world shouldn't really matter other than the terrain being different. Either way the "city eggs" we've talked about would be all that would be recorded.
In finite you might have all of them generate at once, in infinite you'd have your pseudo-world map still, you might just have more to generate later. We get around the trouble of long-distance trade routes by not even determining full info for city eggs semi-distant from the player until even more distant world map has generated. So maybe a city 5 km from the player has a listed trade route with another city 50 km from the player, by the time to player is 10 km within the more distant city more world map generates and attaches a trade route from a new city 100km from spawn to the one 50 km from spawn. If there's a world map info screen the player can get to you might have info that the 5 km city has a trade route to the 50km city, but if you look at the 50 km city information would list as "unknown" unless it is deduced from a known object (the 5 km city)
Numbers made up, of course, and even trade routes are an example more than anything.
I think the double work factor actually comes in at world map stage only - adding a pure noise-based world map for infinite and deriving new info from that, rather than at city placing stage, which would in theory work the same for finite vs infinite. The world map framework itself would just be built once, supporting different world gen models. We already have a terrain preview gadget for bigger maps generated via Perlin, so it might just registering that as a world map generator sibling to a shiny new tectonic plate world map generator
This is not my most graceful wall of text ever ... wrote it in several chunks while busy at work. Apologies in advance for any lack of clarity! The super short version: We don't have any concept at all of a true "world map" presently, I think we need to develop that as a design and tectonic (example of finite) plus random (example of infinite) as world map gen implementations, then city gen as a regional step on top of whichever world map implementation. I hope that makes sense