New menu music is now in the
develop branch and
latest build
I realized Resurface is already a normal time-of-day piece anyway, so it is still there. Was looking at replacing
all the pieces with new music, might as well shake it up now and then with the amount of music we have, but I'm not super comfortable editing audio pieces. Converted the menu piece to .ogg and added 5db as it was really low volume compared to the other stuff, but I have no clue if that's the best way to do it
Took the PlaceBlock effect (used in GUI too) down 5db as well with my new-found audio editing prowess, but that and adding some meta-data to the .ogg is probably going to be about as fancy as I get there.
Chrisk - would you be up for getting a step closer to the code by managing the GitHub submission and editing of audio pieces so they're a bit closer to each other in volume level, have metadata (mainly music), etc? All the originals are in
TeraMisc then pieces in active use get the ogg treatment (if needed) and dropped into the main
Terasology repo
Another thing we need to get done is bundling the music tracks as "mods", which isn't very hard, and we might even be able to add the time-of-day hooks into the mods metadata (place/surroundings will take a while yet). That also would allow us to build a no-extras version of the game that's a lot smaller (music is about 38% of the downloader right now, adding the rest of the music would increase that to about 58%, heh, heh). Maybe for the "lite" downloader we just include the menu music and make it play occasionally in-game as well
Git isn't too bad and we should be able to straighten out any setup issues on IRC sometime