Cervator and I came up with a couple ideas:
[00:17] <Josh__> I love this guys idea for multiplayer
[00:18] <Cervator> watching
[00:18] <Josh__> Plus Gliders ftw
[00:18] <Cervator> that's pretty awesome

[00:19] <Josh__> See I like games that have a path you can take but you don't have to do that.
[00:19] <Cervator> cubeworld chars soooooo teeeny tiny
[00:19] <Josh__> I know lol
[00:20] <Josh__> But gliders would be cool.
[00:20] <Cervator> yeah, very neat

[00:20] <Josh__> I think that would be a lot of fun to use
[00:20] * Josh__ Commisions a team just for gliders.
[00:21] <Cervator> one of my "dream features" is a dynamic vehicle system where if you build something sensible it just works - like vehicles with wheels and flying things with wings
[00:21] <Josh__> Commission*
[00:21] <Josh__> I like how the mobs take out part of the world
[00:21] <Josh__> I really like how they do that
[00:22] <Josh__> because that makes it more playable
[00:22] <Josh__> kinda
[00:22] <Josh__> And fun when you go and attack a mob, instead of you hitting it then running or w/e.
[00:23] <Cervator> yeah, i hooked Mo'Creatures into this Tekkit server half just to get ogres
[00:23] <Cervator> i know people hate those but i wanted to play with them as an obstacle for the experimental value

[00:23] <Josh__> Plans for AI Team?
[00:23] <Josh__>

[00:24] <Josh__> Or combat system.
[00:24] <Cervator> sure
[00:24] <Cervator> these days i'm so far behind i haven't had a lot of chances to really push feature development
[00:25] <Josh__> That would actually be a thing different from minecraft, when the combat aspect is way more fun, because minecraft's combat system is actually pretty boring.
[00:25] <Cervator> it is
Click the youtube link to see the video with Gliders and Mobs destroying terrain.
Use the Mobs destroying terrain idea
like we said in the chat, if we had the same combat system as minecraft the combat system would be incredibly boring, with mobs destroying terrain it makes it more challenging to actually kill mobs and it's not where you hit the mob a couple times when it's out of range from you. Also I think Hitpoints would be nice, so then people can have stats maybe? And craft new weapons and stuff like that. So the HP Bar and Hitpoints I think would also look good