Contributor Hello everyone


New Member
Hello there folks! I've been pretty busy lately with my internship, and sending all the documents for several MSc studies I'm interested in. I'm interested in contributing to Terasology, in particular the Anatomy System. If it's already too late for a full project at GSOC, I am willing to help by fixing small bugs or perform other important changes when needed.

  • Name: Martin 'Vessalix' van Kuik
  • Social: Github: mtjvankuik; Facebook: Martin van Kuik; G+: Martin van Kuik; Twitter: @mtjvankuik;
  • From: I'm from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Skills / Tools: So far I am mostly experienced in Java, but also in HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery/SQL.
  • Found via: I have found Terasology through the Google Code of Summer 2016!
  • Interests: I have done Minecraft in the past, Terraria even more, and I love the gameplay. I'm interested by contributing in the Anatomy System for GSOC 2016. Hopefully I'm not too late for my application.
  • Extra: Currently studying Medical Information Science.


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Hi @Vessalix and welcome :)

Yeah at this point there's less than 24 hours till the proposal deadline. You're welcome to try but we have several very impressive proposals already and some students who have been here for weeks getting to know the code and community. That's not to say we would appreciate any contribution from you any less! The bar is just really high already for the GSOC part.

The anatomy system has attracted quite a few interested students already and even if it doesn't get picked (we are likely to only get 1 or 2 slots maybe 3, but have a bunch of items on the GSOC ideas page) it seems likely we'll have plenty of interest to actually get started on it regardless, so it would be awesome if you were interested in still helping out :)

Proposal or not I think there'll be a ton of activity here over the weekend, so if you have time to spare hop on IRC to say hi, clone the code, and make something cool with us!


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Oh nice! Queued you up for the main credits file next I need to commit something, and invited you to the contributors team on GitHub :)