Hello there folks! I've been pretty busy lately with my internship, and sending all the documents for several MSc studies I'm interested in. I'm interested in contributing to Terasology, in particular the Anatomy System. If it's already too late for a full project at GSOC, I am willing to help by fixing small bugs or perform other important changes when needed.
- Name: Martin 'Vessalix' van Kuik
- Social: Github: mtjvankuik; Facebook: Martin van Kuik; G+: Martin van Kuik; Twitter: @mtjvankuik;
- From: I'm from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Skills / Tools: So far I am mostly experienced in Java, but also in HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery/SQL.
- Found via: I have found Terasology through the Google Code of Summer 2016!
- Interests: I have done Minecraft in the past, Terraria even more, and I love the gameplay. I'm interested by contributing in the Anatomy System for GSOC 2016. Hopefully I'm not too late for my application.
- Extra: Currently studying Medical Information Science.