Yeah the student application period doesn't actually start till the 12th. In the meantime we suggest using GDocs with "Suggesting" enabled to support nice line comments
At some point you can (IIRC) direct the GSOC site to the same exact GDoc for your draft. Closer to the submission deadline toward the end of March you can then generate a final PDF to submit, again via the GSOC site. That's the ultimate proposal that will be evaluated for receiving a GSOC project slot. In the meantime the GDoc + Suggesting approach has been super useful for the back-and-forth between student and mentor(s)
I looked over the dropbox proposal and will post my comments here for now:
The timeline reads like you've put a good amount of effort into understanding and considering your goals, which is great.
Could you add a higher level summary ahead of the timeline to highlight the major overarching tasks (gravity, rotation, lighting, world gen, etc) and the likely problem spots, maybe especially what to do at the world edges?
I'd be especially curious about how two sets of 2D noise would gracefully unify into clean worldgen around the edges, and how the player (and stuff like thrown entities) would travel from one planet face to another

Also what happens if the player (or natural forces) erode an edge to where the boundary from one face to another becomes more vague (mainly for movement/gravity). And what about the very center ...