Welcome! Cool to see you have some solid related background. And yeah our little project here has grown over the years and it is hard to keep track of all the pieces (and people!)
If you've dealt with voxels, shapes, and Blender maybe you'd be interested in helping out with our Blender addon meant to import/export models? That has been a pain point for a long time now. We have
dozens of contributed Blender models, but they're stuck needing somebody to use that addon to create associated game assets so we can use everything in-game. There are some quirks in the addon, it favors separated animations rather than a single long animation with time sets etc.
Most recently
https://github.com/MovingBlocks/BlenderAddon has popped up as an attempt to unify the actual
two addons into one, as we had separate ones for block shapes (fit into the block grid) and creature models (not aligned to the block grid). Previously they lived over at
https://github.com/MovingBlocks/TeraMisc/tree/master/blender_addons and there are tutorial chapters at