- Name: Ethan 'morrilet' Morrill-Ploum
- Social:
- Github: morrilet
- Twitter: (@)morrilet
- Site: www.morrillploum.wordpress.com
- From: Illinois (US). Currently living in Montreal (Canada).
- Skills / Tools: C#, Java, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Unity. Currently learning some simple C++ and Javascript.
- Found via: Google Summer of Code! (GSoC)
- Interests: I'm passionate game design and implementing systems. As far as Terasology goes, I'm interested in making modules or creating games. After a quick glance through the GSoC ideas list, I'd be interested in the Exploration World idea (I saw that it was already done with the Lost module, but perhaps there's some interest in a tower defense game or dungeon crawler to showcase the flexibility of the engine) or working on Cubic Finite Planets (Issue #3161).
- Extra: I've been making little jam games for a few years now, and I've been working on some more long-term projects as well. I haven't worked on an open source project yet, nor have I worked on a game of this size, but I've forked the repository and I'm excited to start contributing!
I've just finished the second draft of my Finite Worlds GSoC proposal, and I'd love some feedback on it! I'm still working to pull it into scope a bit, as well as figure out the best way to handle things like 'cubic' facets, so if you have any input regarding that stuff I'd be interested to hear it.Here's my proposal on google docs.
Update (3/26/18)
I probably should've made a top-level update sooner, but my GSoC proposal draft has been moved here. I went ahead and cut a lot of stuff out, focusing solely on the world generation bits, so I figured it best to save it as a different file.
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