Thanks for responding!
I read over the student guide, it cleared up many of the basic concerns that I had. I also looked at some of the proposals posted on the forums form last year to give myself a basic image of what it should look like. I'm way less confused now, but I'll still probably have lots of questions during the actual writing process
I looked into the ModularComputers/MobileBlocks module combination. ModularComputers has a built in mobile blocks integration that lets the computer itself move around that I got working, with a built in program that moves the computer in a loop. I found that the computer block would disappear after animating for a bit, but that's only over long periods of time. I'm experimenting now with a separate 'drone', where the computer locates the drone block and moves that around instead. That is still a work in progress
In addition I investigated the Metal Renegades idea, and I'm a big fan of the idea of a whole (who doesn't want a robotic wild west?). I have some experience in these areas from GCI that will come in handy here; a big part seems to be world generation (generating towns for the different factions, generating rails, etc.), which I have already done with the world generation tasks. The ideas from the forum post make for a very wide selection of projects to choose from.
However one concern that I have with this idea; it seems to involve a lot of 3D modelling/texturing, from the player model itself, to various NPCs, etc. 3D modelling is an area that I have little to no experience in, so I'm unsure on how to work around this limitation. I could possibly have stand-ins in the form of Gooeys or a different model that is already made, but that makes it very difficult to implement ideas such as different robot body parts, which depends on the robot model. I would love to work on a project in this area, but my lack of 3D modelling skill seems to be the greatest limiting factor at this point. Any advice on how to work around this limitation?