Question Questions Questions always more quesrtions ....
First ... I know that it is EARLY DEVELOPMENT ... but
Q1) Is there a way, at the present stage of development, to move an item from row 2 to row 1 :?:
Q2) Is there a way, at the present stage of development, to move an item into the four boxes (top right) and do anything with it :?:
Q3) What are the left side boxes for at the present stage of development :?: (
my guess is some type of body protection
Q4) Could you tell me what is in the 5th box on the top row :?: (I have looked in Blockmania :arrow: blocks :arrow: images but see nothing like it
Now, to pat you on the backs ... I have had the most fun earlier today with the lighter ( :?: top row 6th box)
Again ... if you would that I NOT ask questions at this time please, please tell me
PS ... could I have the new address for this please .... ... a/textures .... thank you

First ... I know that it is EARLY DEVELOPMENT ... but
Q1) Is there a way, at the present stage of development, to move an item from row 2 to row 1 :?:
Q2) Is there a way, at the present stage of development, to move an item into the four boxes (top right) and do anything with it :?:
Q3) What are the left side boxes for at the present stage of development :?: (
Q4) Could you tell me what is in the 5th box on the top row :?: (I have looked in Blockmania :arrow: blocks :arrow: images but see nothing like it
Now, to pat you on the backs ... I have had the most fun earlier today with the lighter ( :?: top row 6th box)
Again ... if you would that I NOT ask questions at this time please, please tell me
PS ... could I have the new address for this please .... ... a/textures .... thank you