pretty much yeah... although they are pretty slow at it atm... if you really like I can speed them up a bit again, but I slowed them down as it was a good way to introduce the stat system josh is working on. so they could level up and become faster.
Anyway yeah it's still a bit clumsy and i haven't tested with entire mountains so yeah if you do test let me know if you notice slowdowns or anything of the kind. The way to do it is use the zoning tools, click 2 blocks and all blocks that aren't invisible (like air) will get added to a cubic zone that will be slowly gathered. The controls might be a bit technical, you click 2 blocks with the zone selection tool (similar to the scissors), and once you see the blue selection, you switch to the zone book, open it, it will propose a default name for the zone but you can alter it, and press save, the book will close. Then you select a minion, assign the zone you created to a minion and set his behaviour to gather. and yes you can go grab a coffee meanwhile

. Best way is to make not to big zones and assign an army of oreons to each to clear faster. you can assign multiple oreons to the same zone, but the speedup is not times 2. One oreon per zone is fastest I think. Anyway, if you still have specific questions or can't figure out how to use it, nudge me. User input is best way to smooth a process.
PS : the zone also has a width and height etc in the book you can edit, but editing them has no
effect for now.
PS2 : reminds me i should test what happens when their inventory is full...
PS3 : clicking the zone tool a 3d time will clear the selection, and then clicking again will start a new one.. hope this is the last PS