I'm still feeling very uncomfortable posting this, but since Cervator gave me the permission to do it, I'll just go ahead. I'm currently working on a 2D indie game title heavily based on the "Legend of Zelda" series, with some Minecraft, Minicraft and RPG aspects to it.

There is not much code at the moment, but as our ideas for monsters and weapons are not general enough and I'm a too much of a visual guy we actually need some graphics
The game will be written in C# using our own game library (XGL) and GDI+ as a renderer. The rendering framework is changable due to abstraction and nearly everything the game needs except for the gameplay is already provided inside the game library.
Source Code:
So, as the title already announced I'm searching for a pixel artist and I'm currently just using the BrowserQuest sprites as test images. The art style should be as simple as possible since I love old-fashioned pixelish games
I'm still feeling very uncomfortable posting this, but since Cervator gave me the permission to do it, I'll just go ahead. I'm currently working on a 2D indie game title heavily based on the "Legend of Zelda" series, with some Minecraft, Minicraft and RPG aspects to it.

There is not much code at the moment, but as our ideas for monsters and weapons are not general enough and I'm a too much of a visual guy we actually need some graphics
The game will be written in C# using our own game library (XGL) and GDI+ as a renderer. The rendering framework is changable due to abstraction and nearly everything the game needs except for the gameplay is already provided inside the game library.
Source Code:
So, as the title already announced I'm searching for a pixel artist and I'm currently just using the BrowserQuest sprites as test images. The art style should be as simple as possible since I love old-fashioned pixelish games