@Palaxin welcome back! Good to see you again
Yeah no need intro post needed, feel free to ping your existing one with an update. How have you been since last, what are you up to, any new skills or party tricks, that sort of thing
It would be great to see PlaTec better integrated. Something to maybe start with is look at
https://github.com/MovingBlocks/Terasology/pull/2074 which is an attempt by
@msteiger to rearrange the way we create / preview worlds (it got hung up on a technicality of some sort). It would seem like that's the area we'd want to hook in PlaTec if there's any way we can show the generation running in "preview mode" similar to how Dwarf Fortress world gen works.
Understandable if you'll be busy with your thesis. We're thrilled to get any help at any time

There is about three weeks or so till GSOC proposals are due, so there's
some time to go, but even if not doing it as GSOC we could probably throw a bit of code bounty funds at it if that helps!