Hey metouto, sorry for the massive delay in response. I didn't see your post until last week sometime, and I've been massively busy for a couple weeks now...
Anyway, really glad you like the tutorials, I personally wish I could do better on them, but I'm glad that even a few people are benefiting from them. I think I have some free time coming up so another tutorial should be on the horizon.
About what the next few might be about. I can't really predict that far into the future, but I can give some general ideas for at least the next one or two. The next video I plan on doing will be a sort of "advanced block shapes" tutorial covering thing like UV unwrapping and texturing and the features of the exporter. That might end up being to much for one video though, so I might split some of the content off into a "tips and tricks" sort of video. Hope that gives you sort of an idea. Also, if you have stuff that you think would make a good tutorial, let me know. I can't make any promises, but who knows, I might do a video for it.
Thanks for the reply. Can't believe I didn't respond. For some reason I thought I had...
About your critiques, I absolutely agree. This one wasn't as rehearsed and practised nearly as much as the first and it shows (I did show how to split the bottom face from the others though, you must have just missed it). Thanks for the feedback.
Also, I have no clue whether anyone has noticed, but I actually updated the github wiki page on block shapes several weeks ago. Quite heavily I might add.

I hung around on IRC for a while a couple of times to tell everyone, but there wasn't much activity. Just thought I'd let you know (though github probably sent a message about it or something...)