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  1. overdhose

    Foreign Art Collection

    another head for the miniions : an army of head - only miniions. I had actually been looking around myself to find some 3d models which I could use, however I find it very time consuming to actually find something usable, but I might be taking a wrong...
  2. overdhose

    Next week's video update on YouTube

    might have been working on it if I didn't start on the inventory revamp... but short on time anyway now. Seems all the fun stuff started once i disappeared :giggle: Let me know if you start on the reimplementation Cervator...
  3. overdhose

    First Milestone 4 stable build out!

    might also link to the :devil: miniions wiki :devil: just in case
  4. overdhose

    Inactive Miniion

    sorry been busy with some other stuff, thanks for the fix immortius.
  5. overdhose

    unified graphic style

    looks good... can i slap him??? j/k:geek:
  6. overdhose

    Pictures for woodsspeople :o)

    had a look at it, generating plants is easy with the built in wizard, opening the files in blender is no problem, however I couldn't figure out how to create a texture file to color the plant due to my lack of blender knowledge.
  7. overdhose

    Pictures for woodsspeople :o)

    I have only one thing to say : I can't wait till you make a plant monster studio :alien:
  8. overdhose

    Pictures for woodsspeople :o)

    I missed the fact the software seems to be free now... downloaded and registered it, will try to make something fun with it.
  9. overdhose

    unified graphic style

    Cervator and woodspeople : so it's ok if I make a couple obj files using the evaluation version of the plantstudio and try to render them? The only thing that stopped me so far is avoiding licensing issues etc. (and the fact I haven't even tried that yet, I presumed exporting would be disabled...
  10. overdhose

    Lost Overview in Board

    Sometimes you need to chase cats with a broom to teach them to stay out of your living room :P My mom seemed to love that concept, she chased cats with a broom on daily bases...
  11. overdhose

    the story of Manus Lenoni

    Ow yeah certainly for later, and not something I see a need to create some base structure for, it should lend itself to easy integration regardless. Best to define basic creature structure in something solid first and then build from there I think. Glad you seem to know the jade cocoon...
  12. overdhose

    croc overlord with tortoise minions

    sometimes, inspiration comes from the weirdest things, just thought it was funny:
  13. overdhose

    the story of Manus Lenoni

    Manus Lenoni : The spirit system. Having talked a little about the whole minion system etc now, I felt like talking a bit about a system I had planned for my whole Manus Lenoni story. While there still are some gaps in it, it's a mechanic I would have liked in the game if it ever got some...
  14. overdhose

    New Organized & Documented Coding Conventions & Practices?

    I discussed this with Cervator before, he suggested I raise the issue here. I had done some modifications to classes while R41D3NN was reviewing some of our code. One of those was PlayerFactory. Playerfactory had an import of Terasology.Components.* which was changed by the individual components...
  15. overdhose

    Pictures for woodsspeople :o)

    if you have a couple obj files as example, I could have a look at rendering them, might give an idea of the result.
  16. overdhose

    Help wiki plan, please review

    sure np there had even mentioned it on the page, edit away, their main purpose was an example
  17. overdhose


    don't know if this was ever pointed out, but this is what a monkeyhead looks like when you hold a torch in front of it you can distinguish a nose and some details
  18. overdhose

    Inactive Miniion

    I'll keep that one in mind for when I lack inspiration. i pushed the colored minion code if you wonna play with the colored lil critters. You know where to find it. Someone with a bit more artistic feel might want to make them look a bit better then my simple fill with color bucket approach :P
  19. overdhose

    Inactive Miniion

    Well I was just thinking of "recycling' the same principle by turning inventory and toolbar in their own components and using a similar approach. I just thought it might be a good base for later, and thought it might be a mod-friendly approach. Well wouldn't we need a "creature roster" for that...
  20. overdhose

    Help wiki plan, please review

    aye also works with multiple words, check Miniion roadmap in my example