This sounds like a really awesome mix of
DotA and
BattleZone 2 and Dwarf Fortress.

Is the focus of the player going to be kept mostly on supporting the army in fighting the opposition?
(As opposed to DotA that is more a PvP focus.)
Will resource be 'infinite' in that they can regenerate and/or not be mined up entirely?
(I.e. trees, stone and iron 'regrow' at a fixed pace. So a deposit can give an initial big boost, and then thereafter a slower trickle of resources.)
Art is also looking spectacular at the moment.
It might also be useful to add some sort of 'engineer' type unit role to each side. (Jack 'o' Trades for the name?)
It would do no real combat, but instead seeks to remove (or bridge) obstacles and traps along the attack lines.
(Perhaps also mine into and bomb towers).
Also a question on the movement mechanics.
Will there be defined 'routes' that the opposing armies use to attack one another?
I ask, because I think that down the line it might be awesome to have smaller variations within the overall map layout of "Left, Center, Right", in that you can have multiple main 'routes' to the enemy, including high roads or mine tunnels.
(Engineers would only seek to keep these main routes open/clear).
I think that making the majority of the army squads take the normal routes, and then perhaps have only specific units / specialist squads do dynamic / opportunity routing would be quite awesome.