Search results

  1. Adrijaned

    Maze of the Ghokakmov

    Design notes: The world of the Maze of the Ghokakmov is a finite world in an endless void, comprised of valleys amidst high cliifs. The floors of these valleys are green with grass and overflowing with flowers, while the cliffs themselves are of bare stone, steep and rough, with only an...
  2. Adrijaned

    TSOC in the process!

    TSOC (short for "Terasology Season Of Code"), which was first mentioned in the GSOC announcement post, is finally seeing some planning work happening! The very first meeting about DestinationSol oriented projects happened today, on the 21st June 2019, and was mostly spent planning the future...
  3. Adrijaned

    Happy goo year!

    Let the year that is to come be better than any past one. Let new memories you get be only of things you don't want to forget. Make Tera get of modules a lot, each having its own sweet spot, in a story winding through it all. Make the development never stall, and APIs be clean for use, so we...
  4. Adrijaned

    Legend of Goo

    In the time before time, naught existed but endless stone. The endless stone was only broken by small air pockets, none more than a few blocks large and vast distances apart. In one of those caves, The Old arose, of endless wisdom and power. The first thing He did, He made time begin, for else...
  5. Adrijaned

    Goolang (ideas about custom conlang)

    Following the discussions on chat about conlang, here are some of my thoughts about one that would suit well the gooblocks (see for all kinds of details about gooblocks) As Goolang isn't anything but a mere transcript of gooblock's telephatic...
  6. Adrijaned

    About goo.

    Over the past few months, I have heard several people refer to the genus of gooblocks (lat. Offere triplicata), be it Offere triplicata gramina or Offere triplicata silva, or even the rare Offere triplicata montis, by the name "Gooey". That is, however, highly incorrect. "Gooey", in fact, is...
  7. Adrijaned

    Suggested Formal description of "Centaur" NPC

    First off, there should be several types of centaurs, and their behavior should be based on their type. The types I'm thinking of are peaceful/vegetarian, not carrying any weapons and not intentionally harming any player nor NPC, then wild hunters, carrying some sort of ranged weapons, and maybe...
  8. Adrijaned

    SerpentAI and Terasology

    One of the tasks in this year's GCI - and from my point of view so far the hardest task - was investigating the Serpent AI system and showing a bot playing Terasology. So, the first thing I would like to tell you - if you want to try that that yourself, think about it again. It might have been...
  9. Adrijaned

    Suggested Module suggestion - random loot pool

    Right now one thing I miss/would like to find is some kind of pool to drag random items from, for instance as treasures in randomly generated structures or as rewards for beating bosses/solving quests/freeing a village/drinking a coffee/whatever a module finds reasonable. This module should not...