Search results

  1. Cervator

    Featured Play test July 1st noon Eastern Time, Alpha 8 prep, first round of work and eval for GSOC

    This coming Saturday is our regularly scheduled play test, as noted on the calendar. This will be the first test with a substantial amount of GSOC work included - I expect we'll be testing @Nihal Singh's exploration world some, @Shine's combat stuff, and so on :) I hope as many of our GSOC...
  2. Cervator

    Featured GSOC formally started, kinda-sorta play test Sat June 3rd and/or work sessions

    So at long last the GSOC 2017 has formally started and our students are off :) Some already have results to show either from being done with exams early, having done some pre-GSOC work during the bonding period, or from planning an early start with something else in the way later in summer...
  3. Cervator

    GSOC reveals May 4th and play test May 6th!

    Our regularly scheduled play test is Saturday May 6th and will start around noon US Eastern Time (you can subscribe to our calendar and probably get converted times that way). Details on the build to use will be posted here closer to the event :) The GSOC slot requests have been submitted to...
  4. Cervator

    WIP "Evil" Gooey counterpart

    I occasionally look around for promising artists that might be able to help us out with Terasology stuff, including commissioning work (with personal funds) to get stuff started at times. Enter a recent request I made for the author of Flipside (which by the way is a neat webcomic, read it!) for...
  5. Cervator

    Alpha 7 released, play test using Omega 704 Sat April 1st starting noon eastern

    Been a long time coming but Alpha 7 has been released! It is fairly stable though it has a few annoying known issues, like food not working right and crouching being problematic in multiplayer. Food & Drink are already way better now in the Omega 704 develop build, which is what we'll be using...
  6. Cervator

    Play test session: Sunday March 19th ~ 1 pm US Eastern Time

    Short notice one here since @xtariq figured out some more fixes for NeoTTA that could use a round of multiplayer testing, including a rework of the effects (buffs etc) system and a bunch of fixes to equipment when in multiplayer. Aiming to start around 1 pm ET but will likely go all afternoon...
  7. Cervator

    March play test event soon and we got into GSOC 2017!

    Our monthly play test event starts in about 11 hours but goes pretty much for the remainder of the day as long as there are people around to help play and test things :) The event server is available although I'll probably reset it closer to the start time. May also reset or reconfigure...
  8. Cervator

    GSOC 2017 - finals & results - 10 projects!

    Prizes for GCI 2016 haven't even been finalized yet, but there is no rest for the weary, it is time to start prep for GSOC 2017! The timeline has been posted, summarizing here below: Jan 19th - org apps open (dev meeting Jan 21st to discuss doable ideas) Feb 9th - org app deadline Feb 27th -...
  9. Cervator

    Config, Context, and Security

    So we've had some discussion lately on IRC, on issues, on Slack, and so on. It tends to get mixed up into a few related but maybe segregated topics, then gets too far off track or complex to follow easily. Thought I'd try to outline it here in a forum thread and let @manu3d also outline his...
  10. Cervator

    Alpha 6 prep Saturday, release Sunday, Google Code-In Monday

    We got into Google Code In for this year after our successful journey through Google Summer Of Code 2016. In short GCI is GSOC for pre-university students, target age range 13-18, with much smaller tasks. It is more about introducing students to the idea of open source, be it for coding...
  11. Cervator

    Suggested 2D maps / layers and an associated editor

    I came across the Tiled map editor once or twice before, thought I'd add it as a potential resource in a suggestions thread. While it is a 2D tile editor I wonder if it could be useful to work on some of the map types/layers we don't have much of yet. Its maps can be used within LibGDX which...
  12. Cervator

    Alpha 5 and a half "pre-released" for November's multiplayer test

    In lieu of releasing Alpha 6 for tomorrow's multiplayer test I've decided to just mark the latest Omega zip from the develop branch as what we'll aim to use. There are some outstanding issues I'm reluctant to leave in for a stable release. On top of that I still only just got back from a week's...
  13. Cervator

    Cervator out of state a couple times - send help, and sandwiches!

    I'll be heading out of town both this weekend Oct 15 - 16th for attending a wedding then Oct 26 - Nov 1st for GSOC's Mentor Summit (woo). While away my time will be limited, and it has become limited already after my sabbatical ended. I'm falling behind on reviewing and merging PRs already...
  14. Cervator

    Happy 5th Birthday to us! Lets celebrate ... with a meeting!

    Everybody loves meetings, right? :geek: Okay, so maybe there'll also be cake. Virtual cake, at least. Maybe cookies. And a cheese wheel. With some game playing too! Much delayed like everything involving me these days, but I've finally gotten enough suggestion threads up to focus on running...
  15. Cervator

    Suggested Roles - helping out regularly in small ways

    TL;DR: Need volunteers for less than an hour of committed work weekly. I started out expecting to be a Jack Of All Trades who would step in where needed for Terasology when needed, rather than specialize in any one area. Unfortunately it has turned out that's not a very good approach when there...
  16. Cervator

    Design Poll - name for a registered non-profit

    EDIT: Poll added retroactively for some of the main options suggested below. I'll make a Twitter poll or something as well, see if any one option gets more interest than others. Although comments from existing contributors will weigh far more heavily than plain votes. I skipped over the...
  17. Cervator

    Design Unique Terasology constructed language ("conlang") script

    TL;DR: We're going to have our own unique font/script! Please check this site or maybe specifically the few used in popular fiction then comment here on a few scripts you like (for Terasology), a few you dislike, and why. Goes closely with the identity thread but is also a thing on its own...
  18. Cervator

    Suggested Game identity & focus - weave together gameplay better

    TL;DR: Bring identity to our game by weaving in repeated yet subtly tweaked concepts like Gooey variants and a "conlang" (a new constructed language / script uniquely produced for us) into most/all official gameplay templates, now framed as eras in a world the player is experiencing, almost...
  19. Cervator

    v1.4.1 released - Misc quality of life fixes

    Just released on Steam, Google Play is waiting for however long the publishing process takes there (plus a bit more to confirm the APK via beta testing real quick). Release description follows: Patch release with some recent fixes related to v1.4.0 and in general :-) Mercenaries now start with...
  20. Cervator

    Alpha 4 released, rescheduled test event starting in 9 hours, 5th birthday celebrations in two weeks

    This will be "brief" with more details added later as it is 3 am my time with the rescheduled test event from last Saturday set to begin in about 9 hours :-) Alpha 4 is out with a bunch of new/fixed/updated modules: Dialogs - added to lineup as it is now used in DynamicCities to let the player...